Staff Leadership

Volunteer Leadership

  • Sarah Brogan


  • Josiah & Anna Markley


  • Andrew & Kim Montgomery


  • Holly & Dave Peterson


  • Andy Stone



The Taylor family, church planters of Bright City Church in Galena, Ohio

Our Story: The Taylors

Hey there! We are Josh and Sarah Taylor.

It has been our dream to start and lead a church that would help more people experience life in Jesus. We have a heart for people who feel far from God and are looking for hope. We want to invite people into a healthy, spiritual community that continually seeks God to work through their everyday lives. After years of prayer and discernment, we are excited to be building a team of people who will embody this vision and launch Bright City Church.

Josh grew up in Charleston, West Virginia. His journey following Jesus began in high school. After playing drums in a youth group, he began to understand God’s love in a personal, life-changing way. Going into college, Josh was encouraged to consider giving his life to full-time ministry. He has loved leading music, student ministries, small groups, and teaching the Bible over the years. There is nothing he would rather do than build a community that is a place of love, personal transformation, and missional living.

Sarah grew up in Pasadena, Maryland. Her journey following Jesus began at the age of five. Looking back, she sees how important it was for her to continuing growing in her faith as she became a young adult. A few pivotal moments through high school and college helped shape her today. Sarah has been an elementary teacher, women’s counselor, and photographer over the years. She has a heart for life-on-life discipleship and helping people hear God more clearly.

We have been married and serving Jesus together for over ten years. Our kids—Silas (9), Judah (6), and Haven (4)—have been the most exciting part of our life. It’s amazing how God is shaping their hearts to have a passion for Jesus and serving others even now. Together, we want to be a light for Jesus and love people the way he does.

Tuck and Meredith Tuckerman, church planters at Bright City Church in Galena, Ohio

Our Story: The Tuckermans

Hey there! We are Tuck and Meredith.

We met the Taylor’s through mutual friends and talked about the vision for Bright City. They shared about creating a worship environment that welcomed the presence of God and the Holy Spirit, which aligned with our own passions. After attending a worship night at Movement Church in Hilliard and meeting families already committed to plant this church, it was clear to us that we wanted to be part of Bright City Church.

Tuck grew up in Northwest Ohio and gave his life to Jesus in 8th grade. As a young adult, he had two brain surgeries that left him with ongoing pain and health issues. However, God did a miraculous work to heal him of those symptoms 10 years ago. Shortly after that, Tuck learned to play guitar and started leading worship. He moved to Columbus in 2018 and met his wife Meredith a few years later while working at The Coffee Vault.

Now, after over a decade of worship ministry, Tuck believes worship is a lifestyle that can transform lives, and he aims to inspire others to experience God through it.