70 N Walnut St, Galena, OH 43021


What Are Launch Team Meetings?

Two-Part Gathering

The first part of our gathering will include worship, a brief message from the Bible, and someone from our launch team sharing their story. This part is about an hour.

After a short break, we will regroup for the second part of our gathering, which focuses on training and discussion with our launch team. This part is optional to guests, but anyone is welcome to attend — and this is a great way to explore what it looks like to get involved.


We’re just getting started, so we’re keeping things simple. Expect gatherings to not be formal or overly produced. Music will mostly be led by acoustic guitar. Plan on occasional hiccups as we learn what works with our volunteer teams and building space.


This is a time of preparation as we plan to officially launch Bright City in January 2025.

Each individual on our launch team plays an important role. Everyone is learning and contributing together as our Sunday gatherings develop. We are excited to invite our friends and community to check things out!


We want your family to have an amazing experience at Bright City, so every Sunday you can count on the following:

1) Your child will be safe and loved.
2) Their class will be fun and age appropriate.
3) We will help your child learn about Jesus.

We currently offer two classes for kids:

  • Preschool Classroom (0 to 5 years old)

  • Elementary Classroom (Kindergarten to 5th grade)

Check out our Kid City page to learn more about what to expect on a Sunday and resources for parents!