Dream together

Pray together

Serve together

Follow Jesus together

Have fun together

Journey together

Take risks together

Share life together

Hope together

Discover together

Dream together Pray together Serve together Follow Jesus together Have fun together Journey together Take risks together Share life together Hope together Discover together

What Is A Launch Team?

A launch team helps start or “launch” a new church.

Each person takes ownership to do their part and works together to make the dream a reality. The Bright City launch team has a key role in starting who we want to be and living out the vision.

It takes faith to believe God is building his church, even when it is unseen or still in progress. It is also important to discern a personal sense of calling. We are dedicated to creating a culture of trust and unity as we move forward.

A great place to start is learning more about Bright City. Our goal is to help more people experience life in Jesus. We hope each person joining feels called to the vision and aligned with the values we share.

Bright City Church interest meeting at Village Coffee in Sunbury, Ohio


Who can be on the launch team?

A launch team member should be fully invested in following Jesus and building His church. Anyone can be part of the launch team who feels called to build a fresh expression of Jesus’ church, is aligned with the vision of Bright City, and is willing to do their part and take ownership.

Launch team members are not better or more qualified than others. They simply have the faith to follow God’s calling at the start of something new. Jesus freely offers himself and his life to all people. His Church is a spiritual family that any person is invited to explore and find belonging.

However, Jesus did call a few “disciples” to follow him and be more invested than others. They participated with Jesus in the work of establishing new communities and carrying on his mission after his resurrection.

What is expected of launch team members?

Here is a brief description of what a launch team member is committed to:

  • Alignment with Bright City’s mission, vision, values, and beliefs

  • Attend launch team meetings and activities

  • Give financially to Bright City—aiming for 10% (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

  • Volunteer on a team and at church-sponsored events (1 Corinthians 12)

  • Walk with Jesus daily—engaging spiritual practices (Luke 9:23-25; Matt 6:9-13)

  • Pray for 3 people who need to experience life in Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:16-20)

  • Be involved in a Missional Community (Acts 2:42-47)

We also want to strive to have relational unity in these ways:

  • To love and serve one another as a spiritual family

  • To pray for, invite, and warmly welcome guests

  • To support the staff and leadership of our church

  • To speak truth in love, ready to offer grace/forgiveness

  • To resolve conflict and seek reconciliation as needed

  • To refuse to gossip, complain, or participate in conversations where others gossip or complain

Can I still be part of Bright City if I'm not on the launch team?

Yes! You can still be part of Bright City even if you are not on the launch team. The launch team is just the first “phase” in the life of our church. The mission, vision, and heartbeat will remain the same.

Starting in January 2025, we will be able to publicly invite more people to be part of Bright City once we have established our teams and rhythms.

Bright City is a community of Jesus followers forming a new church in Sunbury, Ohio

Meet Our Launch Team

How To Get Involved

Launch Team Meetings (Sundays)

Starting September 8th at 4:00pm, our weekly launch team meetings will begin! These will be Sunday gatherings as we teach and implement our DNA, build our volunteer teams, and prayerfully seek how God wants to use us in our community. Anyone can visit on a Sunday to explore what God is doing.

Missional Communities

We also have missional communities (MCs) that meet on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. These are a place to experience the church as family and serve their community together—and we always have dinner together. Anyone can try a MC whether or not they come on a Sunday or join the launch team. Simply contact the leader and ask where they meet!

Ready To Explore More?

If you want explore how join the launch team, connect with Josh & Sarah Taylor who started Bright City. One or both of them would be glad to schedule a time to meet with you, get to know each other, and answer any questions.