We are devoted to teaching the Bible at Bright City Church.

Josh Taylor is taking on the primary teaching role for our Sunday gatherings at Bright City. Other gifted women and men are also part of our teaching team and will share at our gatherings. We hope these messages are hopeful and helpful for you in following Jesus in your everyday life.

If you have questions about our teaching or beliefs, email Josh at josh@brightcitysunbury.com.

Life In Jesus Series Josh Taylor Life In Jesus Series Josh Taylor

Trusting In Jesus

Speaker: Josh Taylor

Passage: John 6:25-35, 66-69

In John 6, Jesus challenges the crowds after his miraculous feeding of the 5,000. He declares himself the "bread of life," asking them to place their trust in Him, but many turn away instead. This reflects a broader theme: while some embrace faith in Jesus, others struggle with belief. Faith is more than intellectual agreement—it’s acting in confidence that something is true. Yet, faith can feel uncomfortable because it involves trust without all the answers upfront. God’s past faithfulness enables us to live by faith today and tomorrow. It’s not about waiting for endless proofs, but about living with hope and trust in what we know of Jesus' promises. What is God asking you to trust Him with today?

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Life In Jesus Series Josh Taylor Life In Jesus Series Josh Taylor

Experiencing Life In Jesus

Speaker: Josh Taylor

Passage: John 4:4-42

In this week's teaching, we reflect on a transformative encounter from John 4:4-42. We dive into the story of a woman who, despite feeling unworthy and far from God, finds new life through her encounter with Jesus. Her story reveals four common barriers that keep us from experiencing life in Jesus: feeling unworthy, believing we're beyond rescue, thinking we're content with what we already know about God, or delaying a true commitment to Him. Jesus wants to be our source of life—the living water that satisfies our deepest longings. We explore how turning away from temporary "wells" and embracing Jesus as our source leads to life at its best. No matter who you are or where you are at, you can experience the fullness of life in Jesus today.

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